Saturday, May 30, 2009

why can't everthing just stop for a while and let me take a breath

my violin teacher informed me that my violin exam is on the 27 of July
people..i am so nervous after knowing that.. its like 1 month more and i feel that i still won't have the correct pitch and my bowing sucks and my finger just won't listen to me..
i really feel like chopping my fingers off when i get frustrated..
and now my left hand for no reason is so pain
when i twist my left hand a little bit,i feel like there is something stuck inside and is very pain..
not this time man.
i still need my left hand to press the note accurately.. and practice very hard for the exam.. sigh.. maybe i should take it easy..
breath in and breath out.

Friday, May 29, 2009


mid term exam is over!
finally i can get my sleep and go online
actually my mom don't allowed me to use the comp.
but who cares..
i just want to sit in front of the comp.
and go online for hours!'s my exam
well..basically i can tell you that i am doing very badly for this term..

bm paper 1-i don't know why i made those stupid and silly mistake,i learn that kosa kata before but i went to choose the other answer,which is so wrong!i feel like killing and tearing myself into pieces at that paper 2 was ok..i think so..hope that madam. zainab will give my high marks..
sej-sigh..don't want to talk about this also..made stupid and silly mistakes ..very silly mistake..what's wrong with me that day..keep on making silly mistake..
and moral..subjektif was so first i thought the definisi was coming out..and its not..actually i would rather definisi to come least i can get more marks from there..hehe..

ok..the second day was..
English..paper 1
they add 10 more question behind..and is mostly about vocabulary..
sigh..set 3 like me won't understand those vocab. (obviously)..have to read more newspaper and story books from now on..paper 2 was easy..i think i can score well..but madam shirley and her marking..forget about that,khai li..
computer-i didn't you can't expect me to score very well this time..
kh-ok..i don't know why,i sucks at KH,i have never get an A before for my i was quite worry that this subject will appear as a B in my PMR slip..this time at least i did study the subjective i think i am going to score well in subjective..(unless my kiraan is all correct,i always count wrongly for no reason)

the third day..
all i can tell you is that i am going to fail my Maths!Paper those who are studying in WMS they will know how crazy is that madam Mano..who set a paper which needs 2 hours to finish..and the time limit is only 1 hour 15 minutes..can you imagine me,who is so poor at math and will do careless mistakes so easily to score well..HAHA OF COURSE NOT!!
Geo-ok..after this exam,i found that this subject actually requires a lot of general knowledge..let say they ask negara yang manakah mengalami penduduk yang kurang..ya..something similar to that..and i was so happy that i know the answer!but guess what they will give you a map and put 1,2,3,4 and let you choose the correct negara..but how on earth do i know where is Kanada,Australia and Brazil!!i went back and told my brother..and he was laughing like crazy..saying that i actaully don't know where is Austrlia..ya ya..i know i got 0% general knowledge..maybe next time i should read the world map before geo exam..

finally the last day!
Science was ok..Paper 2 was so hard..but then paper 1 was so easy!!
Art..ha..i drew back the same thing as last term but this term the colour is more watery because the question said catan which means watery i just change a little bit..

so as a conclusion for this post..
i am not going to score well in this exam and even worse..
i am very scare of Parent-Teacher Conference this time!!i can mom talking to my math teacher and i am surely getting scold by my mom after that..gosh..i am so dead..